WARNING!! Yahoo Directory Renewal Notice

On my recommendation, many of my clients have signed up with the yahoo business directory for $299/year. It is a well established directory with good relevance. To sign up for Yahoo, you need to establish a Yahoo account and pay via credit card. Unless you sign into your Yahoo account and cancel it, your listing will automatically renew on the aniversery date.

In recent weeks, a fraudelent email has been going out to people who have a listing in Yahoo. The subject line of the email look like this.

YAHOO WEB MARKETING SOLUTIONS [support.acct@yahooservices.com]

In it, the email asks subscribers to renew their Yahoo business listing as its about to run out;

Dear Client,
Your Yahoo Marketing Solutions account has expired. You must renew it immediately or your account will be closed. If you intend to use this service in the future, you must take action at once! To continue
click here, login to your Yahoo Marketing Solutions account and follow the steps.

*The email and website is a Web Forgery. Web forgeries are designed to trick you into revealing personal or financial information by imitating sources you may trust.
Entering any information on this web page may result in identity theft or other fraud.