The Importance of Age

One of the factors that the search engines have long considered is the age of a website’s url. This is particularly true with Google who rewards sites that have been around for long time with great rankings. (Provided they have great custom content, SEO, links, etc…)

This can be particularly frustrating for the owners of brand new urls, as their sites will have to endure the dreaded “Google sandbox”. While never officially disclosed by Google, the sandbox refers to the period of time before a site begins to rank for competitive search words. While there are some strategies that will mitigate the effects of the sandbox, it will always take some time for your new site to build trust with the search engines. When it comes to search engine optimization, patience is a virtue.

Patience has certainly paid off for Scottsdale personal injury lawyer, Shane Harward. Shane has been a FindLaw client since 1999. Starting with a small template site, Shane upgraded to his current site in 2004 after getting a large case from the internet. Today his site enjoys a preeminent position atop many personal injury searches in Arizona and he picks up a consistent stream of business from the web.

*For the last few years FindLaw has been aging practice specific URLs. So if you are considering building a new site in Arizona, we may have an aged url for you to use.