The First Fall Classic – by Mike Vaccaro

Forgive me for this obvious departure from Arizona legal marketing. I got a note today that my friend Mike Vaccaro just released a new book called “The First Fall Classic”. The book chronicles the reinvented World Series of 1912 between the Red Sox and Giants. It has already garnered some great reviews.

Mike Vaccaro has been the lead sports columnist for the New York Post since November 2002. Previously, he was a columnist at the Newark Star-Ledger and before that the Kansas City Star.

I got to know Mike when he was the sports writer for the Times Herald Record in Middletown NY. He was a columnist assigned to cover Army Basketball when I played there. Hardly a dream job for a sports writer, Mike made the most of it nonetheless. Mike’s amazing writing talent was obvious to all of us and we always knew he would move on to bigger and better things. Congrats Mike on the new Book!