Tampa Criminal Defense Websites

The Tampa/St. Petersburg/Clearwater area has a lot of great looking criminal websites.    I looked at close to 150 websites that market criminal/DUI in the Tampa Bay area.  Interestingly Lexis has the most criminal law websites in the area, something I have never seen before.  Thanks to good rankings for a few firms, Scorpion seems to be well represented in the area with at least 7 firms marketing criminal law.   In terms of the top 5 it was a close call between two newer sites.  Both use a black background, and employ a more modern scrolling layout.

#1   Hanlon Law

Very sharp criminal law website with modern long form design.  Custom practice page menus is a very cool feature.

Tampa - mikeg

#2  Mike G Law

Very modern FindLaw design and one of my favorite Findlaw designs in Florida.   Highlight of the site is the very impactful video on the home page.

tampa - brown

#3 Brown & Doherty

Very sharp office focused design from local Tampa design studio Digital Eel.  features rotating pictures of the firm’s office.   “Jeff Brown’s Adventures” is a cool feature.


#4  Khonsari Law Group


#5  Battaglia, Ross, Dicus & McQuaid PA

One of the best looking general practice firms in Tampa Bay area.   Very clean with some great rotating images of Pinellas County.  Solid effort from Digital Eel.


Honorable Mention

http://www.thedensonfirm.com  Very clean and simple modern design
http://plotnicklawfirm.com/  Nice effort from Amicus Creative.
http://www.hilliardlawoffice.com/   Very nice Scorpion site in Clearwater.
http://www.tampacriminalattorneys.com/  Scorpion site gets high marks for its great visibility.