I am often asked the question, Should I start a BLOG? The short answer is of course. A BLOG is a great communication tool, that when used correctly can be a great differentiator for your firm. A BLOG or online journal offers attorneys the chance to write on current events, changes in the law, specific cases, politics and just about anything else that moves them – in real time.
The search engines really like BLOGs for two reasons; they offer a diverse search experience and they offer a great source of fresh custom content. This is why, if you do have a BLOG, its important that you post regularly and often! The search engine spiders will start to realize that your BLOG is a source of new custom content and they will get into a habit of indexing your BLOG often. Since I update my BLOG quite regularly, my posts are usually ranking and visible in searches within 24 hours! Posting 3-5 times a week is ideal, but doing so at least once a week is okay too. David Patton, an Arizona Medical Malpractice Lawyer, has a FindLaw BLOG http://www.azbirthinjury.com/ that has developed a very high Google page rank even though he does not post often. David uses the platform to paraphrase articles and share medical malpractice news stories from around the country.
Finally, if you want your BLOG to rank in search engines, its best to focus your message and stay disciplined. I have tried to do that with my own BLOG. Just about every post is in some way related to legal Internet marketing in Arizona. Because of that focus and the fact that I post regularly, my BLOG shows up on the first page for most “arizona attorney marketing’ searches.