SB 1373 – Military Divorce Bill is a Very Bad Idea.

SB 1373 – Proposed Military Divorce Bill in Arizona

My friend, Phoenix divorce attorney, Gary Frank recently did a great post on a new Bill that is working its way through the Arizona legislature. This BLOG usually avoids the political, but as a former “army brat” I couldn’t help but agree with Gary.

The goal of SB 1373 is to allow service members to keep 100% of their military pay and benefits in a divorce, effectively making them exempt from Arizona’s community property laws. Gary’s post correctly points out that this bill would severely hurt the families and spouses of military personnel. As Gary notes, military spouses also make tremendous sacrifices for our Country.

“we shouldn’t ignore the fact that a service member’s sacrifice is often matched by a spouse who remains at home to raise the children, pay the bills, work to make ends meet, keep the family afloat, and worry each and every day about her (or his) loved-one’s safety. By doing their part, these selfless spouses are also helping to protect our American way of life.”

Very well said Gary! I would also add that military spouses often don’t have the ability to have careers outside the home. This is because they are forced to move frequently (I moved 16 times growing up) and are forced to live on isolated military bases where job opportunities are scarce. Finally, if Bills like this pass, it will discourage marriage in the military. I had a hard enough time convincing Heather to marry me and move to Ft. Polk Louisiana when I was a young Lieutenant.

No matter your political affiliation, this bill is a terrible idea and should be defeated. Our service men and women are indeed courageous for choosing to serve our country, but we shouldnt forget the families that support them.