Philadelphia Top Personal Injury Sites

**On 3/6/2018 I wrote a significant update to this post which you can find here.  It looks at the best looking legal designs throughout the State of Pennsylvania.


Philadelphia is an extremely competitive personal injury market.   There are a lot of beautiful and content rich websites vying for position in the Google SERP.   Here are my favorites:


The Cronin Firm (

Outstanding website.  Main home page image slider features moving background images.   Site also features some cool interactive elements.  There is a counter that highlights the dollar number of recoveries, number of cases, and awards won.  Site is missing some basics though, phone number is only barely visible after scrolling down the page..


 Hill & Associates (

Very slick design that features some very good looking custom photography of the attorneys.  The “design only” site has poor visibility thanks to no SEO.  Practice area boxes light up when you move your cursor over them.


The Levin Firm (

Great looking ilawyermarketing website.  Site features parallax scrolling and a responsive design.

McCann & Wall  (

Good looking modern site with parallax scrolling.   The parallax scrolling creates an awesome affect at the bottom of the page, where a famous Philadelphia landmark is featured.

 eisenbergEisenberg Rothweiler Winkler Eisenberg & Jeck  (

Very Clean design with a great color scheme.  My favorite Findlaw website in Philadelphia.


 Honorable Mention:  – I don’t know who designed this, but it is a really nice design 
Very professional design does a great job highlighting the firms many substantial verdicts and settlements.  The design has changed slightly since my company first redesigned it in 2013.  We have since parted ways with the firm but not before getting them top ranking for most of the competitive PI keywords in Philadelphia.  Good looking FindLaw website   Scorpion design features a great skyline picture on the home page.  – Nice long form design style.  Designer unknown. – Best looking workers comp site in Philadelphia