Personal Injury Rankings in Tampa, FL

Accident Attorney Rankings in Tampa 

This is an analysis I routinely do on personal injury markets around the Country.

The numbers going Left to Right correlate to the page of Google results I found the site on for the following keywords: (Tampa Personal Injury Lawyer, Tampa Car Accident Lawyer, Tampa Injury Attorney, Tampa Motorcycle Accident Lawyer, Tampa Truck Accident Lawyer, Tampa Wrongful Death Lawyer, Accident Attorney Tampa and Tampa Brain Injury Lawyer) .    A score of 0.3 signifies the fact that the site came up in the top 3 (either maps or organic) and a score of 11 means that the site did not come up in the top 10 pages of ranking results.

The  bolded number to the right is that firm’s Average Ranking Consistency Score of (ARC).  This is a weighted average of the 8 keyword rankings.   Taken by itself, this point in time analysis is helpful in seeing who is ranking high for a number of important keywords in Tampa.   Here is the top 25 firms in Tampa for ARC (The entire list is at the end of this post)

ARC Tampa1

Tampa, like most mid sized American cities, is extremely competitive when it comes to search engine optimization for personal injury lawyers.  There are 153 firms that expressly market personal injury online in Tampa.    Just about every legal SEO company in the country is represented here.   Scorpion leads the pack with 11 sites in the market.

arc tampa #

The top ranked site by ARC is Morgan & Morgan who has enjoyed the top position in Tampa since at least 2015.    One of the largest marketing firms in the United States, the firm maintains a massive in-house SEO team.   They are in competitive in scores of Cities across the Country.   Their Tampa ARC of 0.618 denotes a dominant web presence where they are in the top 3-5 for just about every keyword, a presence that is certainly driving a consistent stream of new business to the firm.   I know this because my company has scores of clients with a similar ARC score in competitive metros (Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Long Island, Boston, Dallas, San Francisco, etc….).

Of the top 25 sites by ARC in Tampa, only 3 are brand new URLS released after 12/15/16 – Bernstein Injury Law, Fiol Law Group and the Distasio Law Firm.   All three of these sites were launched in 2017.  In some ways this shows both how difficult it is for new sites to break through and how much longer it takes today to achieve top rankings.    Gone are the days when a SEO company could trick Google into quickly getting top rankings by using black hat SEO  techniques.   Today search engine optimization is a marathon not a sprint.   Successful firms that achieve top rankings understand this.

Which Firms Are Moving Up?

The real value of the ARC is that it can help show ranking progress overtime.   I ran this same analysis on 12/15/2016.  Here then are the Tampa personal injury firms that jumped the most in ARC over that time.   To me this chart says a lot.  I use the ARC to track thousands of PI sites in 250 markets.  There are 150 “Legal SEO Companies” which have over 10 personal injury sites in my database.   The VAST majority of these companies cannot produce great rankings for their clients, nor can they show any discernible improvement like these firms have.  Two of these sites were new iLawyermarketing sites that launched in 2017; Williams Law PA and the Fiol Injury Law.   While the improvement is great and they are both ranking on the first page for “Tampa Car Accident Lawyer” we still have a long way to go.

ARC Tampa Improvement

*For those not in database on 12/15/16, I used the Way back Machine to approximate the start date,

One of the more impressive results in Tampa, has been the progress of Hancock Injury Firm.  The firm had been with Black Fin for many years, but in the last year it looks as if they switched vendors.   Since leaving the firm has moved up a lot on Several searches.
ARC Hancock

One  thing you will notice from the top ARC scores in Tampa, is the absence of the really large legal SEO companies in the top 15-20; (FindLaw, Scorpion, Justia, and Martindale).   This is not  surprising and something, apart from a few outliers, I am seeing in virtually every metro I study.   In the old days (5-7 years ago) these firms were a great option as they were able to scale SEO by getting inbound links from their highly relevant network of sites.  That does not work today.   Today its about building exceptional content that is truly link worthy like this study or this ultimate guide on VRBO liability, and then having the time and resources to conduct outreach.   When you have thousands of clients – that is impossible to do.

For those interested, here is the most recent complete ARC results for Tampa (The top 25 are featured at the top of this post).   If you are a Tampa lawyer interested in seeing how your rankings have changed since 2016, I would be happy to share that with you as well.  Just give me a call at 480-889-4216.

ARC Tampa2arc tampa3arc tampa 4

arc tampa5arc tampa6arc tampa 7

* google rankings can change daily and are subject to personalization and many other factors.  These rankings reflect what I saw when doing these searches in “incognito mode” in Chrome on the date listed.