Pedestrian Accidents in DC

The Washington DC injury firm, Trombly Singer, recently launched an interactive map of the pedestrian accidents in Washington DC.   The informative map is getting a ton of attention, having already been featured in the Washington Post, Washingtonian, and the DCist.   The piece is important in that there are roughly 3 pedestrian accidents every day in Washington DC.

To put the piece together, 1point21interactive looked at over 152,000 crash records to identify 5,291 pedestrian collisions (2009-2015).  From there we calculated counts at specific locations and applied our formula to each to determine the Danger Index. The index looks at total  incidents as well as outcome (injury severity and fatality).  It doesn’t take much for a pedestrian collision to become a deadly one, so high volume areas are listed high in our rankings even if they haven’t been the scene of a fatality (yet).

This is a great example of the type of high quality, well researched content that attorneys should be building more of.