Online Video vs. TV Video

Lean Forward vs. Leaning Back

The big difference is our ability to deliver what advertisers call a ―”lean forward” experience versus the traditional TV experience which is considered a ―”lean back” experience. This is why so many TV commercials are loud and annoying because the audience is disengaged, leaning back in their easy chair, thinking about something else so the advertiser has to ―hit them over the head with their message. On the Web, video viewing is much different. It’s an engaged person choosing to watch your video and because they are ―”leaning forward” listening to every word it’s very important that the lawyer comes across as knowledgeable, believable, and trustworthy. Just as a Web site visitor judges the credibility of a Web site in less than five seconds an online video viewer will judge the credibility of a lawyer in an instant. If their video is not high quality or convey the right message, the viewer will leave.


Timely – Unlike TV advertising which aims to stuff as many ads in 3 minute breaks as possible, your online video is your time with your viewer. Studies show that online video clip viewing is optimal if kept under a few minutes and is why we try to keep your message to about a minute.

24 x 7 – Your online video is constantly working for you, 24×7, day-in and day-out. Consumers can view your videos on their time. You don’t have to worry that they’ll miss your message like TV. Popularity Online video, much like the rest of the internet, is out-pacing most other consumer forms of information gathering, while traditional forms like print, radio and TV continue to decline.

Cost – Typically, online video costs much less than a broadcast commercial when you factor in the production costs and air time. Other outlets like local cable or satellite are quickly becoming saturated with ads making it harder and harder for advertisers to cut through the clutter.

Phoenix Bankruptcy Video

However, the biggest reason to add video is conversion. After adding a FindLaw produced video to her bankruptcy website, Mari Jo Clark saw an immediate jump in activity and reduced the number of no-shows substantially. She was most struck by the number of new clients who naw talk about the video and insist it was the major reason for making the initial appointment.