Online Scam Aimed at Lawyers – Avoid!!

China Business Debt Collection Online Scam

I wanted to alert my readers to a popular online email scam aimed at attorneys. The scam has been around for some time and usually involves a foreign business person contacting you through your website. The business person is usually looking for legal representation to collect a debt.

Here is how the scam normally works, the debtor company sends the attorney a large cashier’s check for partial payment or retainer. (I had one attorney get a check for $870,000!) The lawyer then deposits it in his/her trust account. The collection is always amazingly easy to collect, getting the money back right away. The scam works when the lawyer wires money to a foreign bank before the bank realizes the original check was counterfeit.

These scams are often quite elaborate – using fake websites and business addresses to support the ruse. Here is an example of an email one of my clients just received from “Taiwan”. I have seen variants from China, Singapore, Korea etc….


My name is Mr.Chang Hung Ming, a very successful business owner from Taiwan, who has invested in residential and commercial properties in the United States .

I was fortunate to have bought and sold properties privately in the U.S.A. I am again in the process of acquiring another properties and is seeking legal assistance, (preferable a lawyer) to assist with the completion of the legal/financial transactions.

Due to the nature of these transactions, it is imperative that I seek the help of knowledgeable and credible legal professionals who will represent me in accomplishing this project. It is of paramount importance that proper legal processes are followed and documentations are adequately prepared and signed.

Many properties have been bought and sold even during the “recession”, but many hidden treasures are still out there and I am interested to carry on business. Now is the time to purchase … so, kindly assist me in completing these legal documentations expeditiously.

Please contact me at your earliest convenience.

Thank you!

Chang Hung Ming
Deuchem Co., Ltd
92, KuangFu North Rd.,
Hsinchu Industrial Park, Hukou
Hsinchu, Taiwan
Tel: +886-3-598-4035
Fax: +886-3-598-3301