New Google Wiki Search

If you have been searching in Google recently, you may have noticed arrows to the right of the search results. This is a new feature called Search Wiki, which is only visible if you are signed in to your Google account. Search Wiki allows you to customize your search result – allowing you to promote or demote certain results. It also allows you to make annotations for each result. For example if you prefer a certain airline approved pet carrier over others, you can make sure that it always comes up first- and you can make notes like – (site carries multiple brands of carriers and offers carriers for small and large dogs etc…).

My colleague Tucker Carney offers a much better technical explanation in his Los Angeles lawyer marketing BLOG. One word of caution, this capability will make it easy for unscrupulous sales people to manipulate search results – perhaps showing how their directory comes up number one for a certain keyword term. Therefore, you need to insist that all representative searches are done when NOT logged into Google.