Neurolagic Amyotrophy

Readers of this BLOG have probably noticed a drop off in posts recently. This has been quite a tough month for me health wise. It started with a bad case of the flu which had me on my back for 5 days. Then, on October 6th I started having searing pain in my right shoulder and right arm. The pain is incredibly intense and gets progressively worse at night. The pain was so bad that I had to visit the ER twice in the last two weeks. The ER doctors treated me for the pain and took a number of tests. MRIs and x-rays of my back and neck were normal. Thinking it was severe muscle spasms – my doctor prescribed anti inflammatories and muscle relaxants to no effect. In addition to the pain, my right arm is now noticeably weaker – I now struggle to pick up a glass of water. Yesterday I met with a neurologist and he gave me a diagnosis – Neurolagic Amyotrophy also known as Parsonage-Turner Syndrome. I am relieved that I have a diagnosis and that this condition is temporary – usually lasting for a month or so.

While I have tried to continue working – the lack of sleep and pain has caused me to fall very behind with my work. It has forced me to cancel or miss a number of meetings. For this I apologize. Until this condition clears up, I would ask that you contact Adrie Wessels @ or my manager if you have an urgent website matter.