My Favorite Legal Designs in Connecticut

Connecticut Legal Web Designs

Today I feature my favorite Connecticut legal designs.   In my database I follow over 500 legal sites in the Constitution State.   The leader in in terms of most active sites in the State, like most States, is FindLaw.   As of this posting FindLaw had 84 custom sites and 37 template sites in the State.

Below I feature my favorite designs in Connecticut.   Obviously design is very subjective, but I do look at a number of factors:

Interactivity: With Google putting a premium on user experience, its important that sites offer engaging designs that encourage users to interact with it.   For example scroll over the verdicts on the Harlow Adams Site below.

Mobile Responsiveness:  Mobile search is exploding so its imperative that your mobile site loads quickly on mobile devices and offers a genuine user experience equal to that of desktop.

Custom Photography:  Custom photography can make all the difference between an average and great site.

Design Elements:  Does the design feature compelling design elements that enhance the site?  In my mind this is what separates truly great design.  Did the designer take the time to build custom boxes? custom navigation?  Do the colors work together?  For an example of how an amazing designer can make a difference –  check out the design elements and sublime use of color on this site in Oregon.

Here then are my favorite sites in CT:

  1. Lynch Traub Keefe & Errante – New Haven, CT – New conceptual design from FindLaw features a number of interactive features.
    CT lynch2) Harlow Adams & Friedman – The only iLawyermarketing design in the State is in Milford, CT.
    CT HArlow3) Tomeo & Sills – My Favorite Scorpion design in the State.  Fantastic criminal site in Hartford.
    CT Tomeo
    4) Bauer Law Group – Scorpion is very strong in the State with over 27 legal designs in Connecticut.  This great looking famliy law site in Hamden uses images of faded Polaroid pictures to great effect.

5) Wocl Leydon LLC – New personal injury website from ConsultWebs that utilizes background video in the design
CT Wocl

Honorable Mention: