Mississippi – Best Law Firm Website Designs

The traditional “legal” themed design is definitely popular in Mississippi.  After looking at over 300 legal websites in Mississippi, one wonders if the State Bar requires an attorney to feature either the Scales of Justice, columns, or a gavel on their site.  This FindLaw effort features all three!   Here are my 5 favorite legal website designs in Mississippi: sessums

1) www.sessumsdallas.com

The preeminent medical malpractice law firm in the State has the best website in the State by a wide margin.  The site, which was released over a year ago, remains the only scrolling, long form style design in the State.   Thanks to great onsite SEO alone, the site has a dominant web presence for statewide medical malpractice searches in Google.   This is the only site from ilawyermarketing in the State. Derek Hill

2. Derrick L. Hall PLLC

A newer FindLaw site takes advantage of a slightly larger pixel width than traditional FidnLaw site.   Like any state FindLaw is the dominant force in terms of legal sites produced in Mississippi. roberts MS

#3 Roberts & Associates

A nice website from the best local web designer in Mississippi – Jamiee Designs.   The designer also did a nice job for the McNinch Law Firm in Brandon MS. abdalla

#4 Abdallah Law

A nice effort from Consult Webs is the most visible personal injury website in McComb Mississippi. healy

5  George W. Healy IV

This site was originally designed by FindLaw, (it looks like a Nate Rein design) but if you look at the footer a new company is taking credit for it.   Crazy when you consider this site is far superior than anything in their portfolio

Honorable Mention:

www.taborlawfirm.net  Best looking Lexis site in the State
http://mcninchlaw.com/ – Very clean and professional looking
http://www.mitchellcunninghamfava.com/  – Best bankruptcy site in the State features an awesome fish tank conceptual design.   Site from Red Falcon Web.