Houston Criminal Law Websites

There are certainly some big name criminal defense attorneys in Houston.    Rusty Hardin(Roger Clemens), Dick DeGuerin (Tom DeLay) and Ed Chernoff (Michael Jackson’s Doctor) are but a few of the high profile criminal lawyers in Houston.  Some of the outstanding criminal lawyers in Houston have a website that is commensurate with their reputation:     Here are some of my favorites:



#1. www.davidbreston.com

Awesome criminal defense website that has great visibility in Houston.  His great ranking is not a surprise when you consider the quality of the content the firm produces.  This interactive prison map is a great example.

shapirostrauss#2 http://www.lisastrausslaw.com/

Great looking design.  Unfortunately the site contains an awful link profile so her visibility will remain bad until she deals with that.


chris gore

#3. www.ctgore.com

James Publishing builds some very looking websites.  Most use the sites use the full 1280 pixels and take advantage of the longer form layout.   James Publishing is a great option for attorneys that just want to build a great brochure website.


#4  http://www.houstondwiattorney.net/

One of the most visible DUI sites in Houston has a modern clean look.  Features an interactive slider of client testimonials that is quite cool.


# 5 Paul Darrow

The most visible sex crimes site in Houston and Texas for that matter.   Very clean design, typical of an ilawyermarketing effort.


Honorable Mention

http://www.jedsilverman.com/  Extremely content rich FindLaw site that is suffering from a bad link profile
http://www.tadnelsonlaw.com  Very cool modern layout.
http://www.reedlawpllc.com/  (Findlaw site with unique conceptual design and odd left justification of the site.
http://www.texas-dwi-lawyers.com/  Nice effort from Big VooDoo
http://www.rtoddbennettpc.com/  – Huge content rich FindLaw site with good visibility.
http://www.rocketrosen.com/ – Good looking Scorpion Design