Gregory C. Michael (1946-2009)

I was shocked and saddened to hear that my client and friend Gregory C. Michael passed away in his sleep this past weekend. Greg had been a client of mine for close to three years, starting with a template site and later upgrading to a custom site; I always looked forward to our meetings at the Olive Garden where we would meet to review his account and traffic numbers. But mostly it was a chance for me to hear some of his incredible stories.

Greg lived an amazing life. Graduating from law school in 1973 Greg’s first professional calling was not the law but rather the business world. Greg started several successful companies and business ventures. He also served as a corporate officer for a publicly traded company. Semi-retired and living comfortably with his wife in Paradise Valley – Greg returned to the full time practice of law earlier this decade. An accomplished litigator and business attorney, Greg relished his role as an attorney. Greg seemed to love the intellectual challenge that came with being an attorney. From our conversations it was also evident that he was passionate about helping the “little guy”. His area of focus reflected that….civil litigation for victims of abuse, discrimination, fraud and other wrongs – 0ften taking cases that no one else would take and resolving them successfully. Greg will be missed.