4 minutes read

Massachusetts Best Legal Sites

Massachusetts Legal Designs Massachusetts has a lot of legal websites.   Its amazing how many more law firms are needed when all real estate transactions require a lawyer!  After looking at…..

3 minutes read

Best Legal Websites in Arizona

This week I feature the Legal Websites of Arizona.   I have some extra insight here since I was a FindLaw consultant in Phoenix from 2005 to 2011.   FindLaw is still…..

0 minutes Less than a minute read

Deadliest Highway Stretches in Georgia

Butler Wooten Peak, one of the top trial law firms in the Southeast, just released a study that looks at the deadliest stretches of highways in Georgia.   The interactive piece…..

0 minutes Less than a minute read

Great Looking Corporate Law Website

Congrats to Lewis Johs Avallone Aviles LLP on the release of their amazing new website by ilawyermarketing: www.lewisjohs.com Lewis Johs is a leading business law and insurance defense firm in…..

35 minutes read

New PI Sites Released in 2017

Every week my company gets calls from attorneys who saw that ilawyermarketing was on a list of “best legal SEO” firms or “best legal design” firms.   While we are flattered…..

0 minutes Less than a minute read

Dangerous Intersections in Allegheny County

The Pittsburgh personal injury firm Dallas W. Hartman PC just released a very interesting study that tracks the most dangerous intersections in Allegheny County.   You can check out the BLOG…..

1 minute read

Beautiful New Site in Ft. Lauderdale

Kelley Uustal Launches New Website Congrats to the Law Firm of Kelley Uustal on the launch of their new website; www.justiceforall.com .   The new site was designed by iLawyermarketing and…..

1 minute read

Rest in Peace Tom Pickert

Tom Pickert, a wonderful Kansas City trial lawyer was murdered on Wednesday morning.   In yet another act of senseless gun violence, Tom was murdered on his porch minutes after walking his…..

0 minutes Less than a minute read

Thinking of Taking a Walk in the Park?

Dixon Davis LLC just launched a very helpful content piece for residents and visitors of Atlanta.   The new piece shows the most dangerous parks in the Atlanta area, sorted by…..

0 minutes Less than a minute read

What Driving Routes to Avoid in Philadelphia

This is very cool.   The Philadelphia Law firm, Anapol Weiss teamed up with 1point21interactive to create a very helpful content piece.   Using arrest data from 2016, the piece maps out…..