The December edition of Attorney At Law Magazine just hit newstands! Well not quite. You actually can’t purchase Attorney at Law Magazine. However, if you are a private practice attorney in Maricopa County you should have gotten your free copy or gotten an e-copy in your inbox.
As always I write an article for the magazine and provide the pack page advertisement.
For my article this month, I wrote about the recent changes with Google Places. I also highlight a recent design of the month winner. This month it was the bankruptcy site for Chris Dutkiewicz in Gilbert.
Each month the back page advertisement features a testimonial from one of my clients and picture of one of my client’s websites. This month, insurance bad faith legend Steve Ryan was gracious enough to provide a wonderful testimonial on my behalf.
If you aren’t getting Attorney at Law Magazine or if you are interested in having your firm featured in the magazine, please contact the editor at kenminniti@targetmarketmediallc.com and Ken will be sure to add you to the mailing list.