Artie Eaves Inviited to Join the Litigation Counsel of America

Artie Eaves, a partner at Sanders & Parks, has been invited to join the Litigation Counsel of America. Litigation Counsel of America is a trial lawyer honorary society composed of less than one-half of one percent of American lawyers. Fellowship in the LCA is highly selective and by invitation only. Fellows are selected based upon effectiveness and accomplishment in litigation, both at the trial and appellate levels, and superior ethical reputation. Mr. Eaves has earned this distinction based upon his track-record of effectiveness in representing clients at the trial and appellate levels. Mr. Eaves is an owner and director of the Firm. He has a diverse practice with clients including physicians, hospitals, municipalities and government officials.

Artie joins an exclusive group of Arizona attorneys that are members of this prestigious organization. Notable Arizona members include; Renee Gerstman , Donald R. Kunz, Martin Galbut, Ed Hendricks JR, Michael R. Palumbo, and Joseph Schenk.