In Monday’s edition of the Arizona Republic, Angela Hallier was badly misquoted. The Arizona Republic article claims to use an quote from Angela’s website, making it appear that she encourages clients to manipulate their kids.
In her “Ask Angie” column on, she offers “naughty and nice” holiday advice for not-so-jolly couples.
“Put a naughty twist on the holidays by telling your child that you pay so much in child support and/or spousal maintenance that you don’t have any money to buy the gifts they want; or tell your child that the other parent doesn’t pay their support the way they’re supposed to, so the holidays just won’t be what they used to be. . . . Better yet, ask your child to ask the other parent for the money they owe you. Tell them if they don’t collect, there won’t be anything under the tree.”
What truly awful advice. This could not have possibly come from a family law attorney, and it didn’t! After looking at Angela’s website its clear that the quote was completely taken out of context. In the original web posting, seen here, it is clear that Angela is showing what not to do – hardly condoning the behavior. I hope the Arizona Republic corrects this error as it really puts this attorney in a bad light.