Arizona Center for Law in the Public Interest

This past Saturday, my wife Heather and I attended the annual fund raising event for the Arizona Center for Law in the Public Interest. Held at the Bentley Projects in downtown Phoenix, the event featured live entertainment, great food and a live and silent auction. Kudos to attorney Michelle Johnson of Adelman & German. Michelle did a marvelous job as the night’s emcee, running a live auction that featured 2 African safaris and a week in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. A natural saleswoman, Michelle was able to incite a few healthy bidding wars.

The turnout was excellent, with well over 200 people in attendance. Steve German, Chris Zachar, Eugene Kadish, Michael J. Valder, Michael J. Zdancewicz, Richard Plattner, Thomas M. Ryan, and Ty Tabor are but a few of the legal luminaries I saw there. The highlight of the night was a rousing speach by outgoing Center President, Danny Adelman. Danny reminded everyone why we there, detailing the important work that the Center does everyday and stressing the need for continued financial support.