A “Yankee” Lawyer in the Heart of Dixie

The Wininger Law Firm in Birmingham Alabama has been getting a lot of press lately.   For a personal injury firm that has recovered over 40 million for their clients, positive press is not new. However, the press they are gtting now has nothing to do with accident cases.

Last week the firm unveiled a mural on the side of their historic building in downtown Birmingham.   The mural depicts 5 famous New York Yankees – Joe DiMaggio, Yogi Berra, Mickey Mantle, Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig and Derek Jeter.  You can see the amazing Yankee Mural on their website.

The mural is a product of the imagination of attorney David Wininger.   A life long Yankee fan, David has what is believed to be the largest Yankee memorabilia collection south of the Mason Dixon line.   Having been to his office, I can certainly vouch for the quality of the collection.   David has a whoole room in his building devoted to signed Yankee “Gloves”.  

The local Fox affiliate did a great story on the Yankee collection and mural.  Congrats David.